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Property Additions & Appliances

Install the best and most durable flooring and roofing
Appliances suggested by BTC

Choose the best appliances
for your Estate.

Selecting what you want to install in your Estate is only the first step. The next and most important thing you have to figure out is what appliances will be perfect and most durable, providing the best look and life for your home.

BTC’s contractors will suggest the best-in-market appliances for your estate. 

Roofing and flooring appliances are expensive, so it’s important to find the best ones for your estate. We will be helping you find the best flooring and roofing appliances using our experience and expertise.

Roofing and flooring appliances

Solar Panel Installation

BTC offers solar panel installation services, also provides maintenance and repair services to ensure that the system continues to operate efficiently over its lifetime. The installation of solar panels is a sustainable and renewable energy solution that can reduce energy costs and dependence on traditional energy sources. Choosing BTC Solar Installation Services can help you save money, reduce your environmental impact, and increase the value of your property.


BTC Solar Installation Services has experienced professionals who are knowledgeable about solar panel technology and installation. They can help you design and install a solar panel system that is tailored to your specific needs and budget.


Quality Products

BTC Solar Installation Services uses high-quality solar panels and other materials that are durable and built to last. This means that your solar panel system will continue to operate efficiently and provide energy savings for many years to come.


Cost Savings

Installing a solar panel system can help you save money on your energy bills. By generating your own electricity, you can reduce or eliminate your dependence on the grid, which can help you save money on your monthly energy bills.


Cost Savings

Installing a solar panel system can help you save money on your energy bills. By generating your own electricity, you can reduce or eliminate your dependence on the grid, which can help you save money on your monthly energy bills.


Environmental Benefits

Solar energy is a renewable energy source that does not emit greenhouse gases or other pollutants. By choosing BTC Solar Installation Services, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment.


Increased Property Value

Installing a solar panel system can increase the value of your property. A solar panel system can be an attractive feature for potential buyers and can help you sell your property faster and at a higher price.


Environmental Benefits

Solar energy is a renewable energy source that does not emit greenhouse gases or other pollutants. By choosing BTC Solar Installation Services, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment.


Increased Property Value

Installing a solar panel system can increase the value of your property. A solar panel system can be an attractive feature for potential buyers and can help you sell your property faster and at a higher price.

Roofing Appliances

We will help you choose the best roofing appliances for your roof to
increase comfort and style.

Roofing Shingles

Shingle Roofs have various benefits like easy installation, affordability, easier repairs, and their classy design that blends with your home's decor.

Roof ventilator

The majority of folks mainly worry that their roof will keep their house dry. However, individuals who live beneath a well-ventilated roof may find their lives better and easier.


An attractive and easy way to improve natural lighting in your home or office is by installing a skylight. Skylight installation is a component of our roofing services.

Let BTC decide the best appliances for your estate.

Roofing and flooring are the most important aspects of your home, safety-wise, and look-wise. They are the most expensive of all the renovations so finding the best appliances is not advice but a necessity. BTC will help you find the most trendy and durable appliances that fit your requirements and budget at the same time.

Let us help you find the best roofing and flooring solutions that will make your life much easier.

Get in touch with BTC to discuss the best and most suited solution to any problem you face with your flooring and roofing.

roof repair

Flooring Appliances

We will help you choose the best flooring appliances to
increase comfort and style.

Waterproofing Flooring

Waterproofing flooring is the perfect choice for various places in your home, like the bathroom or basement, or just for added protection for your floors

Laminated Flooring

Some of the designer floors, like laminated floors, are highly resistant to scratches, and they highly enhance the beauty of the floor

Carpet Flooring

Carpet flooring keeps infants and children safe from any injuries, and nothing really compares to the soft and luxurious feeling of carpet under your feet.


Get Estimates for Your Home or Business

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